Health Policy
Your health care provider must complete the State Health forms each year for your child to attend WHDCC. These documents should be updated throughout the year (each time your child receives immunization). State regulations require that your child's immunizations be up-to-date. These immunizations include HIB, Hep B, DPT, MMR, pertussis, varicella/chicken pox, and polio injections. Your child will also need to have the appropriate lead-screening* test. If you have a medical exemption, the Coop will need sign-off from your health care practitioner.
Lead Poisoning*: Children are exposed to many sources of lead in their normal environments. Young children are at greatest risk for lead poisoning because of their natural curiosity and hand-to-mouth activity. Small amounts of lead poisoning may affect a child's behavior and ability to learn. Large amounts may cause serious damage to the brain, kidneys, nervous system, and red blood cells. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health requires that every child should be screened 3 times by the age of 3 years. The test can be done in your pediatrician's office, or arrangements can be made through the Department of Public Health for a free lead-screening test. For more information contact the Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program at 1-800-532-9571.
Children who are sick may not attend the Coop until they are no longer contagious. They need to be free of symptoms, including a temperature, for 24 hours. If your child becomes ill during the school day, we will contact you. A quiet place will be made available for your child to rest until arrangements are made for them to go home. In such cases, the child is expected to be picked up within 1 hour and will be sent home with an ‘Illness Report’ documenting observed symptoms and any action required prior to return.
Due to state regulations, all prescription, non-prescription, oral, and topical medication needs to be provided by guardians in the original container (a second labeled container can be obtained from your pharmacist upon request). All medication will need a guardian’s and physican's written permission to be dispensed. Consent forms are available at the school. The name of the child, name of the medication, the dosage, and the time of administration must be included with all the medications given to the Director. Educators will strictly dispense according to the directions on the container or physician/pharmacist's descriptive order and will never give the first dose of any medication. All medication will be stored properly. Each time a child receives any medication educators will document and inform parents. Medication for chronic illnesses need to be accompanied by an Individual Health Care Plan (IHCP) from the child's physician. IHCP forms are available at the school and must be updated annually. More in-depth information is found in our Health Care Policy which you may see upon request.
In the event of an emergency or accident, we will apply necessary First Aid (call Rescue Squad, if necessary) and attempt to contact you. If we cannot reach you, we will contact your family physician. If your doctor cannot be reached, we will try to consult with our Health Care Consultant, or have the child transported to the Falmouth Hospital emergency room via Rescue Squad. All staff at the school have received approved training in emergency first aid and CPR. We will notify you in writing within 24 hours of any First Aid is administered to your child.
The WHDCC has a Health Care Policy and a Contingency Plan for Emergency Situations which are available to you upon request.
Our first aid kit includes the items listed below. If your child is allergic to any of the following items you will need to indicate this on your registration forms.
band aids first aid tape tweezers calamine lotion
First aid cream Desitin/A&D oint. cotton balls instant cold pack
elastic bandages insect repellent. scissors hydrogen peroxide
Q-tips sunscreen eye wash cup gauze pads
disposable gloves Vaseline gauze rolls thermometer
WHDCC wants to prevent unnecessary exposure to chemical pesticides and makes efforts to reduce reliance on chemical pesticides when managing pests. It is the policy of WHDCC to only use chemical pesticides when pests have been identified and their presence verified. Selection of treatment option or corrective actions will give priority to non-chemical actions whenever possible. When and if it is determined that pesticides are needed, only those allowed by the Children’s and Families Protection Act will be used. Further, only certified and/or licensed individuals will be able to use pesticides. It is school policy to make the appropriate notification and posting as well as keep records of all pesticide use. A copy of the school’s IPM Plan is maintained in the Director’s office and available upon request.