If you are interested in enrolling your child please complete the following steps.
Contact Us
(508) 548-9473
The following must be completed and submitted before your child’s enrollment:
1. Fill out an enrollment packet:
2. Fill out a developmental history form
3. Physical form signed by child’s doctor
4. Yearly Materials Fee
5. First month's tuition
6. Tuition Express FAQ
7. Bank Authorization Form
Maximum capacity of the Woods Hole School is 29 children at any given session. At the First Congregational Church during the summer months maximum capacity is 23 children.
Parents must specify which sessions they plan to have their children attend. It is hoped that parents will commit their children to at least a three-month enrollment. Trial periods of attendance may be arranged.
If a child is to be withdrawn from the school or decreases the number of hours per week that he/she attends, four week’s written notice must be given to the Director and billing treasurer. Billing and schedule changes will not take effect until four weeks after written notice is received. We ask for as much notice as possible from any family that uses more than a total of 85 hours of childcare per week.
If an extended absence of more than 45 days is necessary, a parent may withdraw their child for this time by providing the Director and Billing Treasurer with one month’s notice. The billing Treasurer will not process withdraws, or changes to a reduced schedule, that is effective for fewer than 45 days. If your child withdraws from the program their place will not be held open if there is a waiting list for that time slot. When the Co-op is closed on holidays, children are not charged.