Toilet Training & Diapering
Toilet Training
A child does not have to be toilet trained before entering the school. Even a child who uses the toilet may temporarily regress when he or she encounters a new situation such as attending a school. If your child is in diapers or has experienced such a relapse, we will work out an appropriate plan with you when your child enters the school. Together we can decide when your child is ready to be invited to use the toilet and what may be the best approach to take. If your child is in the process of toilet training, it will be more successful if he/she is dressed in appropriate clothes such as pants with elastic waist. The more the children can do themselves, the more successful they feel. Please make sure your child always has a change of clothes, with his or her name clearly marked on them. When children begin our program they are familiarized with our bathroom facilities.
We encourage all children to use the bathroom before AM snack and lunch, before and after nap and before PM snack. The toddler group has more frequent visits to the bathroom. While the children use the bathroom facilities, they are supervised with a staff member in the bathroom or close by with the door open. Children are encouraged to be self sufficient in the toileting process although help is readily available if need be. If an accident occurs, the soiled clothing is double bagged and sent home that day. Children and staff are both required to wash hands after toileting and handling soiled clothing.
When changing a diaper the staff will:
1. Make sure there is plenty of clean dry diaper and a change of clothing available for each child. Parents will be responsible for replenishing the extra supplies.
2. Diapering/changing table is separate from food preparation and service and is not used for any other purpose.
3. The changing surface is smooth, intact,impervious to water an easily cleaned. It is protected with a covering that is of adequate size to prevent the child from coming in contact with the changing surface.
4. Each child's diaper is changed on a regular basis throughout the day and when wet or soiled. The staff person will keep at least one hand on the child at all times when he/she is being changed. The child will be washed and dried with individual washing materials during each diaper change. After each diaper change the child and staff member will wash their hands with liquid soap and water and dry them with paper towels.
5. Soiled disposable diaper are placed in a closed container that is lined with a leak-proof disposable lining. Soiled diaper must be removed from the center daily, or more frequently as necessary.
6. Soiled non-disposable diaper are placed in sealed plastic container, labeled with child's name and given to the parents at the end of the day.